Contract Awarded – Macquarie Park Bus Priority and Capacity Improvement Project Stage 2 (Package 1A)

Quickway are happy to announce that we are working with Transport for New South Wales to deliver the Macquarie Park Bus Priority and Capacity Improvement Project Stage 2 (Package 1A) project at the intersection of Lane Cove Road and Waterloo Road, Macquarie Park. Works on the ground have commenced to:
- provide a new 170 metre dedicated bus only right turn lane from Waterloo Road onto Lane Cove Road south
- provide a new 70 metre westbound through lane on Waterloo Road
- extend the northbound left hand turn slip lane from Lane Cove Road onto Waterloo Road
- extend the left turn lane from Waterloo Road eastbound onto Lane Cove Road
This intersection upgrade will help reduce congestion, meaning less time stuck in traffic. The project is expected to be completed in 2024.